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Life Orientation Grade 12

How do we explain the difference between fake news and facts? for study revision



How do we explain the difference between fake news and facts?

Fake news is the deliberate spread of misinformation, be it via the traditional news media or via social media, with the intent to mislead in order to gain financially or politically. It often employs eye-catching headlines or
fabricated news stories in order to increase readership and, in the case of internet-based stories, online sharing. Profit relies on advertising regardless of the truth of the published stories. Anonymously hosted fake news websites lacking known publishers have also been implicated because they make it difficult to prosecute sources of fake news.

Life Orientation Grade 12

Life Orientation Quiz

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5 ways to spot fake news?

What strategies use to distinguish between fake and factual information on the internet?

  1. Check the Source if it is incredible or not
  2. Search for Other Sources to verify
  3. Investigate the Article
  4. Visit Fact Checking Websites
  5. When in Doubt, Stay Away.

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Life Orientation Grade 11

Suggest practical solutions on how any Five of the youth risk behaviours can be addressed or reduced



Suggest practical solutions on how any Five of the youth risk behaviours can be addressed or reduced:

List of Five Risky behaviours and situations, with practical solutions:

Unsafe attitudes and behaviours: Includes drugs, alcohol use and experimentation, defiance and lying, moodiness and irritability, engaging in unsafe sex.

  • Unprotected sexual activities that may lead to unwanted teenage pregnancies and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), Solution: Using a protection when engaging in sexual activities.
  • strong addiction of drugs and alcohol, Solution: avoid experimenting with alcohol related drinks, as altimately leads to addiction.
  • involvement in illegal works for easy earnings. Solution: stop being influenced by wrong friends who always think of getting involved in illigal works.
  • under-age driving, Solution: Parents must put car key away from kids.
  • unhealthy dietary behaviours. Solution: having a healthy and balanced lifestyle. This means, eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, avoiding tobacco and drugs and getting plenty of rest.
  • inadequate physical activity. Solution: making a daily habit of physical activites: getting regular exercise.
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Life Orientation Grade 10

Why is it important for Teenagers to investigate and be knowledgeable about risky behaviour



Why is it important for Teenagers to investigate and be knowledgeable about risky behaviour: Life Orientation.

Four Reasons why

  • Teenagers need to investigate and be knowledgeable about risky behaviour as this helps them understand the consequences of their decisions and hopefully help them make better choices.
  • Teenagers need to investigate and be knowledgeable about risky behaviour because learning more about high-risk behaviour will help them consider lower-risk alternatives instead.
  • Teenagers need to investigate and be knowledgeable about risky behaviour because risk behavior is a lifestyle activity that puts a person at increased risk of suffering particular conditions.
  • Some teenagers might not even have stable families, thus teenagers themselves need to investigate and eventually become knowledgeable about risky behaviour.

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Life Orientation Grade 11

Media Reporting in a Democratic Society is evident when the following are in place



Media Reporting in a Democratic Society is evident when the following are in place: Life Orientation Grade 12.

A free, objective, skilled media is an essential component of any democratic society. On the one hand, it provides the information which the polity requires to make responsible, informed decisions. On the other, it performs a “checking function” ensuring that elected officials uphold their oaths of office and campaign promises and that they carry out the wishes of the electorate. 


Evidence of Media Reporting in a Democratic Society

Media Reporting should also support freedom of expression. Freedom of expression means that you can express your ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing, and other forms of communication. Freedom of expression is a basic right in a democratic society, and it applies to everyone, including individuals and the media. People may not express viewpoints that violate the rights of others.

In a democratic society such as South Africa, the following evidence need to exist to prove the presence of a democratic society:

  • The role of the media is to inform society about daily events that are newsworthy.
  • In a democracy, the media’s communicated, and educate.
  • The media play an important role in informing citizens about their government, their rights and freedom and their health and safety.
  • expose violations of human rights
  • report on unlawful activities, the courts and court cases
  • expose corruption and mismanagement
  • communicate, inform and educate and entertain
  • shape the public’s opinion
  • give political information that can inform voters
  • identify problems in our country and communities
  • promote debate and discussion
  • promote nation-building, by giving access to diverse viewpoints and world views, as well as sports cover

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